Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

dvd quality

Digital versatile disk or DVD supports 720x480, which makes the ratio 1: 5. It is impossible to see the film ratio is usually the picture quality of DVD will be improved if there are no measures taken. This is one of the common questions asked at the format. To get the correct answer, we need to be a DAR or Display Aspect Ratio. Supports the resolution is 16: 9 and the aspect ratio or AR of 720x576 for PAL disks. To NSTC, keeping aspect ratio 720x480.

MPEG-2 video streaming has something called the DAR flag. Flag to provide information about the target screen player who has been encoded stream. There are four possible values, 16: 9, 1: 1, 4: 3 and 2: 11: 1.

Picture quality suffers if you DVD disk is inserted into one output device. Stretched images, and the view changed. As studios release movies in their DVD format in making a resolution. What happens is, in the studio to convert the video into a certain format, and put the disk to fit the standard. DAR flag then provided information to un-squeeze again during film screenings.

While defining the DVD picture quality, widescreen term is often misrepresented. Letterbox and anamorphic are two variants are associated with wide-screen form. Letterbox is the original aspect ratio is maintained as a distinct imprint AR video to the disk.

DVDRip: a film format that is a copy of the original DVD. So the picture and sound quality excellent. DVDRip must exist if the original DVD on the market. DVDScr: a movie format from dupiklat DVD promo that will be used as a promotion. DVDScr will exist before the original DVD came out in the market. Picture and sound quality almost equal to the DVDRip, only the video images often have some explanatory text that appeared on the screen of the DVD is usually slightly interfere with us.

Results DVDRip movie going to type the extension. Avi and usually I'll find a movie with the extension or RMVB format only, because quite able to save hard disk, the number of file formats are usually half of RMVB AVI format because the format RMVB, file size depends on the image and sound occurs in the film

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